Submit Your Manuscripts
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Guidelines for Manuscript Submissions
The Channel Press invites authors and researchers to submit original manuscripts aligning with our focus on culture, literature, anthropology, history, and social studies and our editorial policy.
Manuscript Preparation
Font: New Times Roman or Courier Font size: 12 points Spacing: 1.5 lines
Submission Process
- Email your manuscript electronically to [email protected]
- Allow 2 months for review by our expert reading committee
- No feedback after 2 months means manuscript was not accepted

Before Submitting
- Ensure your proposal aligns with our publishing domains (literary criticism, literature, culture, anthropology, history); if in doubt do not hesitate to contact us.
- Prepare a complete manuscript, ready for review
You'll Benefit From
- Expert evaluation by our reading committee
- Professional feedback to enhance your work
- Opportunity to contribute to our diverse publishing catalog
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Ready to share your work with the world? The Channel Press welcomes manuscript submissions from talented writers. Take the first step towards publication and let our experienced editors evaluate your work.